route museum Medemblik Noord Holland

The Dutch Steam Engine Museum is a hidden gem on the dike between the polder and IJsselmeer, just outside Medemblik (NH). Here you will find a unique collection of steam engines and models in a former steam pumping station. Experience the pure technique of visible, audible and smellable mechanisms, powered by water and fire. Discover how steam engines and steam machines work and their role in the industrial revolution and the fight against water. Enter the world of water and steam.

Dutch Steam Engine Museum

Surprised faces stare at you when the tour guide tells you that the electricity that comes from the socket at home is mainly obtained by steam. People have no idea what steam can do and the forces it can develop to operate large and heavy machines. We are happy to demonstrate it in our Steam Machine Museum!

Who ever enters the Vier Noorder Koggen steam pumping station can still hear the steam engines puffing, feel the heat from the boiler, smell the oil and be sucked into a world of shiny copper, chrome, iron and fast-moving pistons. It is the romance of steam and steam engines.

The steam pumping station was built in 1869 and is named after the craft area and water board that was pumped by this pumping station and before that by 24 windmills. Around that year, the industrialization of the Netherlands also got under way. After almost 200 years, prosperity in our country started to grow again. The use of windmills as a power source declined rapidly.

You’ll will find a unique collection of steammachines, engines and steammodels. The steam museum shows a unique collection if industrial and naval steam engines, steammachines and steam engine models, made in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Great Britain.

Steam Machine Museum

Entrance tickets Dutch Steam Museum

Everyone is welcome! We are open to recommendations that improve the accessibility of the museum even more.

Entrance fees
Adults and young people from 13 years € 9.00
Children (5-12 years) € 6.00

Tickets can be purchased at the box office or online via the website.

Tickets & prices
Dutch Steam Engine Museum

Parking & Route to our museum in Medemblik

The Dutch Steam Engine Museum is easily accessible by car and has its own free car park. The local bus stops in front of the door. The location on the walking, cycling and sloop networks ensures that the museum is also easily accessible for walkers, cyclists and water recreationists.

Dutch Steam Engine Museum
Oosterdijk 4
1671 HJ Medemblik (NH)
The Netherlands

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